Negev BioBank
The Negev BioBank (NBB) vision is to collect, process and store tissues, blood samples, and other biological specimens obtained from the diverse population of Negev, thereby creating a true population-based biobank.

About Us
We have established the Negev BioBank (NBB), a high quality repository for biological specimens that will operate as the first large-scale, population-based biological archive in Israel. The NBB is a joint initiative of the Soroka University Medical Center and the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev under the supervision of Research Authority at Soroka, together with Prof. Jacob Moran-Gilad, Scientific Director of the NBB and Rachel Avni, NBB Project Manager.

The NBB operates in several Soroka departments in accordance with the Israel Collaborative Biorepository for Research (ICBR-MIDGAM) rules. MIDGAM is a non-profit organization representing a national Israeli infrastructure for biomedical research. Soroka University Medical Center has recently joined MIDGAM as its active member. MIDGAM supports biobanking initiatives by providing the regulatory and operational environment on behalf of the Israeli Ministry of Health and other stakeholders.